Draft cross weanlings fed forage based total mixed rations with restricted starch and sugar (NSC) had higher feed efficiency and growth rates than predicted by NRC (!989) and than those fed high NSC concentrates and moderate quality hay. Restriction of NSC will not prevent or resolve all cases of developmental orthopedic disease (DOD) but may help in weanlings with insulin resistance (IR: high plasma insulin responses to glucose challenges). However, not all IR weanlings will develop DOD, regardless of
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TMR cubes can be good for horses – and hay growers.
A cubed total mixed ration (TMR) of alfalfa, other hay and added nutrients for horses is a healthy alternative to feeding hay with commercial feed supplements, according to university research. It could also provide hay growers with a new marketing opportunity. With the price of hay, the availability of good hay and the variability of getting it, feeding horses is becoming increasingly difficult.